UK Health Security Agency News and Media

22 Jun 2023

RSV immunisation programme - JCVI advice

Prof. Sir Andrew Pollard, Chair or the Joint Committee on Vaccination & Immunisation, said:

“The JCVI recognises that there is a significant burden of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) illness in the UK population, which has a considerable impact on the NHS during winter.

“The Committee has today issued a rapid short statement, advising that a RSV immunisation programme, that is cost effective, should be developed for both infant and older adults. The statement has been published to enable engagement with stakeholders, with a final statement issued to Ministers later this summer to inform a policy decision.”


Currently, based on JCVI advice, the NHS offers an RSV immunisation programme to a very small group of infants known to be at very high risk of severe complications - such as those who are prematurely born and have medical conditions linked with increased risk - to help protect them through the RSV season.

The Committee reviewed evidence from manufacturers on the efficacy, safety and duration of protection of a number of RSV immunisations alongside clinical and epidemiological data on the burden of RSV in infants and older adults, as well as taking into consideration optimal operational delivery.

Modelling of the impact and cost effectiveness of potential immunisation strategies by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine has been used to inform JCVI’s position.

The Secretariat to JCVI is provided by officials from the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC). The JCVI Secretariat supports and facilitates the work of the Committee and collates the scientific evidence that is reviewed.

The JCVI statement has been published: 

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Ola Francis